Combining wingshooting with training, this is the course to evaluate gundog skill levels and tune up before season or a competition. Three days of wingshooting scenarios with live bird flights combined with training clinics. Double guns (over-under or double barrel) 16-gauge and below are used to provide a traditional sporting flair. Recommend brining 6 boxes of 6.5 or 8 size shot shells. Transitional exercises with live birds will include flights over water, flooded timber, field shoots and walk ups.
Open to all breeds, this is a great advanced course to identify weaknesses in practical field situations, learn new training techniques, hone hunting skills, prepare for the excitement of a competition or a real wingshoot and it's the perfect pre-season tune up for hunters and their dogs. A great progression following our basic and advanced training course.
At the time of checkout please provide your name, address, e-mail, dogs name, and phone number.
Also, please notify us if you are anticipating bringing any extra guests (for meal purposes). This can be done on the separate page titled Double Gun 2024 Guest Meals ( You can add multiple if you need to add more than one person as a guest for meals. You may also notify us by email or phone call if you are adding a plus one after signing up for the event, but we do ask that you do so in time for us to alter our catering orders.
Date of the event is October 18th-20th, 2024 on property at Wildrose Kennels in Oxford, Mississippi.
Cost of event $750. If you are unable to attend, the payment can be transferred as store credit, but must be before 30 days prior to event.
If the event is sold out online, please contact the store via phone or email (662-234-8636 or to be put on a wait list.